Thursday, November 13, 2008

What forms our emotions?

The simple answer is: our thoughts.

Our thoughts generate our emotions. Emotions cause us to have feelings. That ascertains our mood. And our moods affect our actions. This shapes our behaviour. Our behaviour makes or mars the quality of our relationships. Whether our relationships are glowing or rotten greatly influences the quality of our life.

The importance of how we manage our thoughts is never to be under estimated. If a person A is holding a bitter thought about another person B, it is natural that it would create emotions of anger and resentment inside A. This would make him want to quarrel with B. He would feel the urge to shout at B. He would strongly want to use bad words about him.Thus A’s relationship with B would be strained.

Therefore, watch your thoughts. Monitor them. With practice, you would learn to curb a thought and modify it.

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