Friday, November 14, 2008


A large majority of us are programmed to take up good educational degrees so that we can get a good job in an office. In an office, they have made small cubicles where they want us to arrive at the start of a day and stay there doing all that we are told to do for rest of the day. We are given a gap which is referred to as lunch break so that the quality of our work may not get affected due to hunger. We are to spend our day light hours in our work place every day for the rest of our lives. We are paid some amount of money which is not enough to buy things and stuff that we want to buy. Hence we resort to borrowing. We buy our stuff with borrowed money for which we have to pay interest which appears to be a small amount but in reality is too large a sum to be handled with dignity and peace of mind. Not all human beings find the aforementioned arrangement of things acceptable. They have a burning desire in their hearts to be able to free themselves from the confinement and captivity of offices. They strongly wish to be liberated from the slavery and binding of jobs. They want an end to the drudgery in which some one else is controlling the way they should spend their time. To reach the liberty and freedom that they are striving for, they are willing to pay the price. They put in tremendous effort with focused attention and consistency for some time. They mostly succeed. Some of them even reach the point in their lives where money starts working for them instead of they working for money. But such people are few and far between. The majority continues to complain and blame but accepts the circumstances that they are in. They are unwilling to temporarily give up the present ease as a price to attain long term relief. If it was not so, all the offices would be deserted and corporations would come to a stand still.


Arimas said...

To believe that one is free from drudgery or 'slavery'if one is working for one's own self, is at best a huge generalization.
We are always subject one force or another.In an office, you may have to 'slave'in an organized and set pattern,but in personal business too one has to make sacrifices.

Such is life!

احمد عرفان شفقت said...

Letting someone else control your hour to hour life and working on one's own plans...that's the whole difference. These two cannot be one and the same thing.

Arimas said...

In my humble opinion, there are always external factors involved, even if there is no pressure from an outside person. Hence the difference is only choosing which 'subjugator'would you rather have.

To be totally free is only a dream situation. Or perhaps, it exists in some scenario that I as yet am unaware of.